Ear correction

Scallop shaped ears or ears that stick out often provoke teasing. Children often pay the price of taunting that strongly eats away at their confidence. We can already resort to an ear correction from the age of 4 years old. It can also happen that adults take the decision later on to resort to this type of operation.

What happens?
The surgeon pushes back the cartilage of the scallop of the ear towards the skull by means of threads to this. The cartilage can be oversized. In this particular case, the surgeon can make alterations to the cartilage.

The ear correction is performed entirely behind the ear. Therefore there is absolutely no visible scar. The incision is made in a deep groove situated behind the ear and is sutured beneath the skin.

Most of the time, a local anesthetic is sufficient. We administer to more nervous patients a medication with the aim of calming them down in the short term. This anesthetic is proportioned in different gradations until the patient is asleep. With children under 16 years old, it is preferable to resort to a general anesthetic.

The plastic surgeon proceeds with these operations in conditions of optimal security, surrounded by a professional team.

Even though the ear correction is done most of the time under local anesthetic, you are constantly watched over under monitoring by the anesthetist (automatic and repetitive measure of the blood pressure, constant measuring of the oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram). One or more highly qualified nurses will equally supervise. This surrounding will guarantee that you have faultless safety. The local anesthetic allows not only an operation without pain but also a minimal risk of blood loss and the appearance of bruises.

If you are taking anti-coagulant drugs, please inform your doctor of this first (for ex., acetylsalic acid, asaflow, cardioaspirine, dipiridamole, plavix, sintrom, marevan etc.).
After the operation, you are able to contact your surgeon at all times on his personal mobile number, so that you feel safe.

You can go back to the hotel, already one hour after the operation. The local anesthetic keeps on working  for a couple of hours. It is possible that you will feel some pain during the first 24 hours. Ibuprofen and paracetamol will help you cope with this.

Following the operation, you will wear a bandage around the ears, that will be taken off at by your gp a week later. You can from that moment wash your hair again. You will have to wear a protective bandage during the night for 3 weeks. You will be able to go back to work 2 days after the operation, if the wearing of the bandage does not pose any problems in your professional daily life.

Risks and eventual complications
This operation in carried out in total security and produces excellent results. Your plastic surgeon works towards to observing harmonious symmetry between the right and left ear. He meticulously watches that the ears are not stuck to the skull. There is very little risk.

Our prices are all inclusive ( hotel and hospital stay,…) and will be given to you by mail or at the consultation in our aftercare clinics in your home country.

  • 1 night hotel near the hospital included
  • Your personal coach visits you the first evening in the hotel to explain the schedule, answer your questions, handle finances and you 'll receive his visitcard in order to reach him 24/7
  • Consultation with your surgeon in hospital during the morning before OR
  • Visit from your personal coach to give personal advice and addresses of our clinics in your home country if necessary (aftercare)

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