Face Lift

There currently exist different names for the face lift. You will hear talk of the “Mini face lift”, the “MACS lift”, the “S-lift”, the “Soft lift”, the “SMAS lift”, the “sub-SMAS lift “ and the “Quick lift”.

Your plastic surgeon will determine with you which technique suits you best.

Life begins at 40! You feel more confident but this does not always show through on the outside. When time passes your skin loses its elasticity and its glow gradually. You will notice the appearance of creases between the corner of the mouth and the cheek (This is known as marionettes’ lines) between the nose and the corner of the mouth (the nasolabial crease) and the expression lines. Aging of the skin is caused by two principle factors. On the one hand the force of gravity on the skin and on the other hand the skin loses its elasticity because there is less collagen in the skin. Stress, hereditary and the wrong doing of the sun are equally to cause.

The following exercise is very simple and can show you how your new face will be. Look at yourself in the mirror. Next, lie down and look in a hand mirror how it outlines the creases of your skin between the nose, the mouth and the cheek.
Would you like to radiate eternal youth?

Which wrinkles can the face lift eliminate?
A face lift allows us to turn back the clock. Thanks to this operation, you will look 10 years younger. The outline of the face is reshaped and your skin will be firmer and will have a youthful sparkle. You are younger and it shows!

  • A face lift allows a light correction of deeper wrinkles. The nasolabial crease and the grimace are from then on less obvious.
  • To correct more superficial wrinkles, a peeling, laser treatment or “fillers” are more tailor made (see the paragraph on wrinkle treatment).


What happens?
A face lift includes a lift of the face as well as a lift of the neck.

Firstly, an incision is made in the natural crease, just in front of the ear. This incision follows up to the scalp. The skin is detached up to the middle of the cheek. Next, the muscles of the face and neck are tightened again thanks to suspension loops. The surgeon places these loops vertically against the force of gravity. This technique guarantees a beautiful natural result. Thus avoiding a frozen look, without expression, what is known as “poker face”. Finally, the skin is tightened and excessive skin is being removed. In view of the fact that the loops are placed deeply in the muscles of the face, they will not be visible.

These days, we carry out the face lift by resorting to the “short scar lift” technique or the “MACS” (minimal access cranial suspension lift). This method allows for a smaller scar than with older techniques.  The scar is practically invisible. We speak also of the mini-lift, seen as the size of the scar is much smaller. The effect of the lift is nevertheless not less effective. There are no classical sutures visible in the case of a face lift. It is about sub-cutaneous sutures that dissolve naturally. The skin is then closed with glue. Nobody will be able to tell that your face has undergone a surgical operation.

Thanks to the refinement of operation techniques and the constant progress in the anesthetic field a face lift is generally carried out under local anesthetic. We administer to more nervous patients medication with a view to calming them in the short term. This anesthetic is proportioned in different gradations until the patient is asleep. In any case the classical narcosis is not necessary for this type of operation. After the operation, you will feel in good form because you will not feel the undesired after effects of a general anesthetic. A night’s  stay in the hospital is not necessary.

You can go back to the hotel on the day of the operation. The pain is almost non-existent. You will receive classic pain killers like ibuprofen and paracetamol, to help you cope with any unpleasantness in the first 24 hours following surgery. After two days  you will no longer need a bandage. You can from that moment wash your hair again, this will give you a pleasant sensation of wellbeing. From then on you will need to disinfect the wound every morning and every evening. Given that there is no visible suture, there is no need to remove stitches.

The first week following surgery, your face will be swollen. Ice compresses and creams will help to soothe this. Going out might be a problem. However, working from home is possible.

As soon as the second week, the swelling is reduced but the skin still be a little yellow. Make up will allow you to continue your social life without problems. Consequently you are able to go back to work. As soon as the third week, your face will regain a normal appearance. Two months later, you can evaluate the obtained results, thanks to ‘before and after’ photos. We advise you to massage the scar in the first weeks with a greasy cream (hand cream, day cream, sweet almond oil, scar ointment, for ex.)

The scar will soon be almost invisible to the naked eye and this thanks to the subcutaneous stitch and the place of the scar (near the ear).  The healing of the scar is different from patient to patient. 

Risks and eventual complications
Following this operation, it is possible that the skin is less sensitive, more precisely near the ears. This is a temporary sensation. After some weeks or months, the sensitivity will return. The skin will restore itself and go back to it’s normal texture. Among smokers this can take a little longer, with the forming of scabs on the wound. So it is therefore strongly recommended that smoking is stopped before the operation.

Care and saftey
The plastic surgeon proceeds with these operations in conditions of optimal security, surrounded by a professional team.
Even though the facelift is generally done under local anesthetic, you are constantly watched over under monitoring by the anesthetist (automatic and repetitive measure of the blood pressure, constant measuring of the oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram) .
One or more highly qualified nurses will equally supervise. These surroundings will guarantee that you have faultless safety.
The local anesthetic allows not only an operation without pain but also a minimal risk of blood loss and the appearance of bruises.
Your operation is carried out exclusively in a sterile environment. This is why we ask that you wash your hair properly before your operation and this to weaken the bacteria. During the operation, you will receive a mild antibiotic.

If you are taking anti-coagulant drugs, please inform your doctor of this first (for ex. acetylsalicylic acid, asaflow, cardioaspirine, dipiridamole, plavix, sintrom, marevan e.a.). Please inform your doctor if you smoke or if you're diabetic.

After the operation, you are able to contact your surgeon at all times on his personal mobile number, so that you feel safe.


Our prices are all inclusive ( hotel and hospital stay,…) and will be given to you by mail or at the consultation in our aftercare clinics in your home country.


  • At least 2 nights stay in a hotel near the hospital for 2 people
  • Your personal coach visits you the first evening in the hotel to explain the schedule, answer your questions, handle finances and you 'll receive his visitcard in order to reach him 24/7
  • Consultation with your surgeon in hospital during the morning before OR.
  • Visit from your personal coach to give personal advice and addresses of our clinics in your home country if necessary (aftercare)

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